Interview with Susannah Wellford

“Who Else Should Be In the Room In this Conversation?”

Today we interviewed Susannah Wellford. This is one of the interviewees I have been most excited to speak with, as I find the work that she does through her non-profit Running Start—encouraging and empowering women to become involved in politics—so inspiring and beneficial. What really stuck with me from the interview is what she said about staying confident, bold, and determined, even in uneasy situations.

She encouraged us to always ask critical questions, even if we’re not 100% confident. Those questions are still appreciated. She also remarked that it is important to ask others for help, and she noted that older people usually want to help younger people. Another piece of advice she gave that I find very insightful is to always ask the question, “Who else should be in the room in this conversation?” She said it is important to have a “collection” of people, since your voice and ideas travel further when you are connected to others, and others can help you in many different ways in your career and in your life. – Lucy Harris

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